
CafeMom Tickers

Monday, February 2, 2009

Ice Storm Pics

To give everyone an idea what the weather was like here last week, why we had no power for 5 days (and some going on 7) and why I have to take my outside dog to work every day, here are some pics. Enjoy!
Above: No Tree was safe...
Below: Power poles were also falling like flies...

If you look closely, there is a road that goes straight...

This is in my back yard... I need a new fence now...

The other part of my backyard. It only got worse...

This is a view going one way down my street...

The front yard, though quite a bit more limbs did fall off.

My neighbor, Nora's yard. What a mess...

My poor car. This stupid limbnot only froze to my car,
but it decapitated my side-view mirror!

This branch fell on me while I was

taking pictures...

This is a "before" pic of the tree across the street.

This is the "after" pic... notice the cable lines...
The big beautiful tree in my back neighbor's backyard.

This is another "before" pic...

The "after" pic. Not such a beautiful tree

anymore, especially since it took out my



Carrie said...

Destructive yes, but beautiful. It's nice when places not accustomed to snow cover get some, at least from an aesthetic standpoint.

Anonymous said...

wow. that's crazy. thanks for posting pictures, it's interesting to see what ice can do. Here it's the wind that does those things. Glad you guys were safe.

daveandmarie said...

It was all over the news here in UT about the ice storm that hit you guys, dang it does look bad. Well glad your ok, Hey I need your email address, I guess I do not have it and thought I did.
mine is