No pics this time, just a quick update! I have been having regular but light contractions since Monday. About 12-15min apart. By Wednesday I was 2cm dialtated and about 80% effaced. By this time they were about 5-6min apart. Dr. said we are getting closer! That night I kept waking up to stronger contractions, making me so tired that I went home early from work. Last night they were still strong and by early morning they were about 3-5min. apart. Since we were both awake at 3am, we decided to go for a walk to "help things along". It was chilly, but a very pleasant walk! We called the hospital at about 6:30am and they told us to come on in.
So we go in and the on call Dr. checks me out, do my vitals etc. They hook me up to the fetal monitor and contraction monitor. It was cool listening to Fiona's heartbeat for an hour, even if she kept wiggling away from the monitor! My contractions decided that they are shy so they slowed way down... kind of like taking a car in to the mechanic...
So I get sent back home until they are 2-3min apart and I can't talk through my contractions. But both the nurse and the Dr. agree that things are in place and it's very likely we may meet Fiona sometime this weekend! Wish us luck!!
Lots of luck!! My contractions did that with Deucey for weeks... I was dilated to 2 for 3+ weeks. The contractions WILL feel different for active labor- you will definitely know the difference. Apparently if you take a warm bath, or drink two glasses of water, you can slow down or make the contractions go away if it isn't "real labor" (just a thought). I hope it's soon for you though!!
Well, maybe not this weekend, but we will see how this week goes!
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