
CafeMom Tickers

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

WLS Update!

It has been three weeks since Theron's surgery. He couldn't look better! He has already lost close to 30# and looks thinner in the face and around the middle. I was pretty pleased when he picked me up from the hospital today in a shirt he couldn't wear for the past year or so! He made it through the dreaded liquid diet phase and is now having fun experimenting with soft foods.
I just came home from my surgery today. I was scheduled to go in at 8:30am and they tried calling us at 7am to come in then. We didn't get that message until we got out of the shower! So we finished getting ready and rushed 2 blocks to the hospital. Everything went well for me. I didn't expect to come home so early, they discharged me at 3pm today. I had the option of staying another night, but I told the Doc that I was feeling good but really tired. I said I think I would sleep better at home. He agreed and off to home I went! I now start the dreaded liquid diet for the next 2 weeks. I will keep you posted on how well it goes.
For those family members looking for Christmas gifts, they are coming! We are just a little behind this month because of the two surgeries. Keep your eyes open for them...

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Has anyone ever heard the myth about persimmons? Something about the seeds inside forming a shape that will predict the winter? Since persimmons are popular around here, they have been the topic of many discussions. This year, every persimmon that has been opened up has the seeds shaped like a spoon. As the legend goes, this means a winter with a lot of snow. A spoon is symbolic of a shovel, like what you'll be using with the snow... I was doubtful of this myth/legend until we were driving home from visiting in-laws for Thanksgiving. To my knowledge, I don't think it has ever snowed in Northwest Arkansas in November. I was thrilled! I love snow! We only got about 1/2", enough to cover cars, roofs, and grassy areas. The roads were perfectly clear. Unfortunately, it all melted when the sun came out. I am hoping this isn't it for the winter, I am expecting a lot more snow this year.
I have also strayed from an old Fox family tradition this year. It's unavoidable and I hope my siblings won't shun me for this... Because we are both having surgeries this month with lengthy recuperation times, we decided that we wouldn't be able to care for a live tree this year. For the first time in my life, I have an artificial tree. It's a pre-lit 7' Douglas Fur tree. Looks great, but definitely not the same. I miss the pine smell, the dead needles falling everywhere, and the cats vomiting hairballs with pine needles in it... I figure that we can always use this tree if for some other reason we can't get a real one. Nonetheless, from a distance, it looks real enough and it sparkles beautifully!
On a side note, I just wanted to say how thankful I am for the Priesthood and the many blessings that comes with having priesthood holders in the home. On Sunday, before we left the in-laws, I asked for and received a healing blessing for my surgery given by my husband and his father. I am extremely grateful for this service. Theron will be getting his blessing on Sunday. I believe he asked the bishop. We'll see... His surgery is on Monday. Please pray that things will go well for us! I will update here more frequently as things progress!

Friday, November 28, 2008

I warned ya that I am not very good at updating my blog thingy! Things have been quiet on the home front. The house is in constant renovation mode. We like to start one project, get it almost done then finish another project before the last one is done. Example: We took up the carpet in the living room and hallway and plan to lay laminate wood flooring. So far, so good, the living room got done. It looks great. We even bought new trim for baseboards and door facings. Much more updated looking.

We have the hallway floor done since the Spring, I think... It's been that long. No baseboard or door facings yet in the hallway. During the summer my friend Lisa and I started on the bathroom. It's the worse room in the house. They painted over ripped wall paper, vinyl flooring that's water stained, and it's all white. We have picked out wallpaper and tile and new stain for the cabinets. We have 3/4 of the walls papered, the ceiling sanded for repainting, and sanded the cabinets under the sink. Then we take on a side project of new window treatments in the living room, the study and bedroom. Finished with the living room, got rods for study and bedroom. And now we are taking a break and getting ready for the holidays.

December is going to be a busy month for us. We both are having surgery. My Ob/Gyn suggested weight loss surgery. We have done everything we could for infertility. But with my weight and hormones it's difficult to conceive or lose weight. She referred us to a surgical wt. loss clinic. After a battery of tests and insurance approval we have our dates set. We are getting a gastric bypass. Theron wanted to do surgery as well, so we are doing it together. The Dr. at the clinic recommends a month between our surgeries. Theron's is Dec. 8th and mine is on the 30th (will find out for sure on Monday). Surgery itself is a little scary, but we are excited about the results. And yes, before we leave this weekend we will both get a priesthood blessing!! Well I think that is enough for now...

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Nunley Family

Figured I would put up pics of the family, including the hairy and scaly ones!

It's about time...

With help, I have finally managed to convince my newest SIL to start a blog. After 3 months of harassing she finally put one up. She didn't think that anyone would be interested or even read it. After 2 days of it being up, she had 5 comments. Amber... I told you so!! Then I got to thinking... All my siblings (or spouses of) now have a blog. Why don't I? The church has even encouraged us to keep a blog. I do agree with Amber... how is my life interesting to others? I don't have any children (yet) to brag, complain, amuse, etc. But, my pets are pretty close. Since we are all spread out (North. CA, South. Ca, Arkansas & New Hampshire), I think this is a good way to keep each other updated. As you all know, I am not very good with the phone!! Hope to hear from some of you!!